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Topics of No.9 (September, 2014)
[Cote d’Ivoire]
Receipt of an order for the Project for the Development of Urban Master Plan in Greater Abidjan through a joint venture represented by OC
As the political and economic center of Cote d’Ivoire, Abidjan underwent urban development that was supported by an economic growth rate of 8% following the country’s independence in 1960. However, a continuing political crisis and civil war since the mid-1990s have left the government unable to provide appropriate urban management, and as a result, unregulated land use, insufficient infrastructure investment and upgrade, and other problems have become increasingly serious. In order to promote future reconstruction and regional stability, we will review existing urban development plans after preparing maps and other basic data and then formulate an urban development plan that will extend to 2030, including a land use plan and master plan of urban traffic. We will also prepare a project list and use it to select high-priority projects.

A general meeting held with the participation of many interested parties. Coordinating opinions and demands is a major challenge.

Even now, many people live in illegal residential areas, making it important to quickly execute urban policies.
[Democratic Republic of the Congo]
A plan to slow the corrosion of main cables and maintain Matadi Bridge over the Congo River
Matadi Bridge crosses the Congo River in the western part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire). Built with yen loans from Japan, it opened in 1983 and is designed for joint use by cars and a railway (although the railway is not used). The bridge’s opening provided a long-desired major link among the Atlantic Ocean, ports in Banana and Boma, and the capital, Kinshasa. It is still the only bridge crossing the Congo River. However, given that 31 years have passed since the bridge’s completion, we conducted an open survey of the main cables and found that the cables’ interiors are corroded. To resolve this problem, we will prepare a maintenance plan for the bridge that will include the installation of a dry air injection system as a means of ensuring a long service life.

Matadi Bridge was built with yen loans from Japan and is a symbol of friendship between the DRC and Japan.

Matadi is the DRC’s largest port and a main access point into the country. Matadi Bridge is a very important piece of infrastructure and a strategic link between maritime and land transport.
Preparation of an economic development strategy centered on the Nacala Corridor to promote growth and sustainable development in the northern region
The Nacala Corridor is comprised of roads and railways that extend from the excellent natural port of Nacala, pass through Nampula and Malawi, and end in Zambia. Plans are currently underway to stimulate distribution there as a means of promoting economic development. This project was launched in March 2012 for the purposes of “analyzing factors that constrain and promote development in the Nacala Corridor, conducting a survey for the preparation of a development strategy, and contributing to efforts to attract appropriate development and investment in the corridor.” It will make a major contribution to sustainable economic growth and industrial promotion in the corridor and other regions through, for example, the development of coal and other natural resources, development of agriculture that takes advantage of plentiful water resources, and utilization of Nacala’s potential as an international gateway.

The Port of Nacala, where an improvement and development project to be executed with assistance from JICA is planned.

A road scheduled for development as a main artery of the Nacala Corridor. The road is currently unpaved.

Coal development in Tete Province is driving improvement in the corridor.
Construction of three new bridges and seismic reinforcement of existing bridges linking the country’s capital, Dhaka and second largest city, Chittagong
National Highway 1 links Dhaka and Chittagong and thus serves as an extremely important arterial highway. However, traffic volume on the highway is increasing in line with economic development, and this has made expanding the number of available lanes an urgent task. Additionally, river bed scouring around the piers of three bridges on the highway—namely, Kanchpur Bridge, Meghna Bridge, and Gumti Bridge—has exposed the foundations of those piers, making countermeasures necessary. At the same time, reinforcement work to bring those bridges up to the latest earthquake-resistance standards is urgently needed. We have received an order for this work as a yen loan-based project of Japan that is response to a request from Bangladesh. We will design new second bridges, design seismic reinforcing work for the existing bridges, select contractors through international bidding, and supervise second-bridge construction and existing-bridge reinforcement work.

Completion of the three new Kanchpur, Meghna, and Gumti Bridges will help reduce regional traffic congestion significantly.
Improvement of deteriorating transport services resulting from aging railways and development of an economic artery linking major cities
The Rangoon-Mandalay line that is managed and operated by Myanmar Railways is a vital transport artery linking Myanmar’s largest commercial city of Rangoon (population of 5 million), its capital of Naypyidaw, and its second largest commercial city of Mandalay. However, its facilities and equipment are deteriorating due to poor maintenance and development over many years. As a result, the degradation of transport services (in such forms as slower operating speeds, delays, and derailments) has become a topic of concern. We received an order for Phase 1 of a project to rectify this situation (part of a five-company joint venture) that is worth some 1.8 billion yen. During this phase, we will conduct a detailed design study covering approximately 270 kilometers between Rangoon and Taungoo. By conducting this study, we will contribute to stronger passenger and freight transport capacity and revitalized economic activity along the line through safe and high-speed train operation.

A used diesel-powered train that was exported from Japan in operation

An active discussion at a meeting with leading local figures
Receipt of an order for design supervision in
a detailed design for construction of a new National Assembly building
On April 2014 Oriental Consultants signed a supervisory work contract for a detailed design with The Cabinet, National Assembly of Lao People’s Democratic Republic (hereafter “the client”). Based on this contract, we will use our experience as an experienced designer in Japan to supervise the detailed design work of a local consultant (local business) that the client has hired. We will supervise a broad range of areas, including design; structure; electric, air-conditioning, and sanitary equipment; information and communications systems; security and crime-prevention systems; and outdoor facilities. For each area, we will provide supervision at specific design stages based on design guidelines and bring together points for design improvement in the form of a “concept design.”

Perspective rendering of the new National Assembly building at completion (prepared by the local consultant)

A workshop held to present design results featured a lively technical discussion among the client, concerned government ministries and agencies, architects’ association members, and others.