Investor Relations

Financial Statements

■Consolidated balance sheets (summary)

(Millions of yen)

End of Fiscal 2022
As of
September 30, 2022
End of Fiscal 2023
As of
September 30, 2023
Current assets 44,295 50,480
Cash and deposits 6,956 9,315
Trade notes and accounts receivable - -
Costs on uncompleted contracts 2,269 3,000
Other 35,070 38,165
Fixed assets 10,896 12,204
Property, plant and equipment 3,217 3,365
Buildings and structures, net 533 942
Land 597 599
Other 2,084 1,824
Intangible fixed assets 1,006 1,129
Goodwill 105 87
Other 901 1,042
Investments and other assets 6,673 7,708
Total assets 55,191 62,684
Current liabilities 34,853 39,232
Trade notes and accounts payable 8,942 9,171
Proceeds from uncompleted contracts - -
Short-term borrowings 8,186 12,752
Other 17,725 17,309
Fixed liabilities 1,579 1,262
Corporate bonds - -
Net defined benefit liability 242 268
Other 1,337 994
Total liabilities 36,432 40,495
Net assets
Capital stock 760 795
Capital surplus 1,705 1,750
Retained earnings 16,280 18,678
Treasury stock △646 △181
Valuation difference on available-for-sale securities 204 329
Foreign currency translation adjustments 300 386
Remeasurements of defined benefit plans 113 383
Total net assets 18,758 22,189
Total liabilities and net assets 55,191 62,684

■Consolidated statements of income (summary)

(Millions of yen)

Fiscal 2022
October 1, 2021,
to September 30, 2022
Fiscal 2023
October 1, 2022,
to September 30, 2023
Net sales 77,338 78,154
Cost of sales 60,418 60,890
Gross profit 16,920 17,263
Selling, general and administrative expenses 13,208 13,380
Operating income 3,712 3,883
Non-operating income 798 510
Non-operating expenses 174 135
Ordinary income 4,336 4,258
Income before income taxes 3,993 3,979
Net income attributable to owners of parent 2,719 2,831

■Consolidated statements of cash flows (summary)

(Millions of yen)

Fiscal 2022
October 1, 2021,
to September 30, 2022
Fiscal 2023
October 1, 2022,
to September 30, 2023
Net cash provided by operating activities △7,030 △195
Net cash used in investment activities △3,292 △1,722
Net cash used in financing activities 6,320 4,144
Effect of exchange rate change on cash and cash equivalents 726 152
Increase(△ = decrease) in cash and cash equivalents △3,277 2,378
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 9,772 6,494
Increase in cash and cash equivalents from
newly consolidated subsidiaries - -
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 6,495 8,873